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21 ~ Setting the Stage for a Law Suit

I have been stopped by a lot of bigots in disguise as law enforcers, and I really have no sympathy whatsoever for men and women so anti-Christian that they would so prejudice the civilians of our country and break an oath made with God to uphold the Constitution. I do believe that any imposter with that kind of evil intent, needs to be disarmed and sued to a cardboard sign on the street corner.

The pattern is that they all seem to try to cover their actions by trying to get us to believe that their authority comes from some mystery part of the Constitution and that it's within their scope of duties to violate our rights under color of law. It’s obviously part of the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) philosophy and training to treat the people like stupid peasants. Of course, stupid is as stupid does. Go figure, no respect, no class. F.T.P.!

The fifty unity-States of America will always be bound together and strong by the Constitution, for it is the Constitution that structures the geographic, philosophical, and political attributes of this country. Neither the legislature nor congress nor the President can dismantle or suspend the Constitution for it is the very fabric of our nation and the authority for the creation of their offices.

That said, we all know that there is a time and a place for everything and the time to sue in federal court is when an agent of a bankrupt corporation deprives you of your rights under color of law. Any suggestion of a "crime" where there is no victim is is good grounds for federal action, for in the American Common Law "criminal" is an act which produces a victim. If a cop damages you, there is a crime because you are the victim.

If an agent approaches you and suggests that he has authority over your person, then you must ask yourself these questions: Is the door locked? Did I Make a victim of another man? Can this employee prove where he gets his authority? Am I a driver's license? Do I want to be polite or do I want to go to jail? And, where’s my recorder?

A successful legal action is like a play that you have to rehearse for, again and again until you know the story so well that if another actor changes his line you can still get the audience to give you a standing ovation. You want to make sure that you have sent box seat tickets to the most important people in society like the Governor, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the Mayor, the Police Chief, the District Attorney, the U.S. Marshal, and of course the Newspapers. That way you get rave reviews and end up with a box office smash.

The most sound and complete way to do this is to make public and well known your record by sending that packet registered mail, return receipt, to the Governor and Attorney General of your state, and certified mail, return receipt to the Mayor, D.A. and Police Chief of your town, file it with the county recorder and announce it on public radio before you ever have to deal with public servants. That way when it gets to federal court, nobody can say that they didn't get the information or the asseveration came after the fact and dispute it.

If you are approached by an employee you can hand him a copy of your record upon request of ID, say to him that the Governor has been legally noticed, and that it would be his mistake if he did something foolish on the Governor's behalf. You could also inform him that if he elects to neglect your un-a-lien-able rights, that the matter would immediately be taken up in Federal Court well above and beyond his jurisdiction. It is always a good idea to the travel with witnesses and a small recording device. You may also point out that any verbal or written confessions, warnings, tickets or contracts with his/her name on them can and will be used as evidence to prove deprivation of your rights under color of law, and that ignorance of the law (Federal Code) is no excuse.

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Includes 3 new chapters:

  • Right of Travel vs. Privelege to Drive
  • Law of the Land vs. Law of the Sea
  • A real life case of Kidnapping

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