6 ~ The Sovereigns
Dictionary defines Sovereign:
or highest; supreme.
in power, superior in position to all others.
of, and unlimited by, any other, possessing or entitled to,
original and independent authority or jurisdiction.
A person, body or state in which independent and supreme
authority is vested; a chief ruler with supreme power; a king or
other ruler with limited power.
Law Dictionary, 5th edition pg. 1252
means having supreme dominion over your realm -That you are the
king of your own territory and are governed by the Laws of God,
not the laws of bankrupt corporations and their security guards.
from government, not a subject.
human beings are rightfully sovereign as recognized by the
universal declaration of human rights. They just don’t know
how to prove it. Fortunately, in this country we can prove our
sovereignty by official declaration upon public records.
at it like the royalty in old Europe all had pedigrees and
paperwork proving their authority. Where do you think all this
law shit came from in the first place? It still works the same
way. Our founding fathers made a way for intelligent men to be
sovereign kings of their private domains.
are presumed, by tacit (silent) admission to be a subject of
corporation government if you have not declared sovereignty.
Includes 3 new chapters:
- Right of Travel vs. Privelege to Drive
- Law of the Land vs. Law of the Sea
- A real life case of Kidnapping