5 ~ Subjects of the Crown
fictional UNITED STATES Corporation still exists on paper
as a commercial enterprise with immense debt to foreign bankers.
As a matter of fact U.S. Inc. has been a corporation floundering
in and out of bankruptcy since 1871 when congress went bankrupt
from the civil war. The United States was incorporated to borrow
money from English bankers who proposed the offer to control
American lawmakers.
does U.S. Inc secure the loans?
UNITED STATES corporation now uses your birth certificate, filed
as a registered security with the United States Department of
Commerce as collateral to secure credit from the world bank;
England's private bank, thus making you liable for
the national debt. Each 'strawman' birth certificate is
considered to be a fictitious person, a second-class citizen, a
corporation “Vessel of the United States” that was
voluntarily applied for by the parents and created by the Birth
Registrar of the State, another cor
Includes 3 new chapters:
- Right of Travel vs. Privelege to Drive
- Law of the Land vs. Law of the Sea
- A real life case of Kidnapping